Name Your Toronto WNBA Team

How to create a name fit for a nation

From Submissions to the Short List

It’s easy to think that a team name is simply a word that goes on merchandise or something chanted out loud in an arena so the players know which side we’re rooting for. However, a team name is much more than that. It’s a symbol that carries the weight of identity, culture, and connection — especially in a diverse country like Canada. The significance of this decision is immense, and we’re all part of it. No pressure, right?

Thankfully, when it comes to where we are in the process of naming Canada’s first WNBA team, we’ve meticulously narrowed it down to a selection of options which have now been sent to the league for trademark and legal approval. Each name has been carefully considered, ensuring it aligns with our values and will resonate with our diverse fan base.

But as discussed in the latest episode of our podcast, Bringing Home the W, this was a challenging task. Below are some insights into how we got to where we are now in the naming journey.

The power behind a name

In the latest episode of Bringing Home the W, TaJuan Watson — who helps lead On-Court and Brand partnerships for the NBA’s affiliate leagues — dives into the intricacies of naming a sports team. These were the foundations WNBA Toronto built on when designing its methodology for selecting the team name.

Here are some takeaways from his discussion:

  • Uniqueness and Ownership: TaJuan emphasizes that the name must be unique and ownable. It’s not just about avoiding legal issues; it’s about ensuring that the name stands out in the crowded sports landscape. The team name should not be easily confused with other franchises across any sport to maintain a distinct and recognizable brand identity.
  • Legal and Trademark Considerations: One of the primary concerns in the naming process is ensuring the chosen name can be legally protected. TaJuan’s team works closely with intellectual property experts to vet potential names, making sure they can be trademarked and used across various platforms, including merchandise and promotional materials.
  • Emotional Resonance: Beyond the legalities, TaJuan stresses the importance of how the name feels when spoken. The name needs to roll off the tongue easily and evoke a strong emotional response — whether it’s pride, excitement, or connection. The goal is to create a name that fans will proudly chant and wear on their jerseys.
  • Balancing Creativity and Guardrails: While there are clear guidelines and guardrails in place, TaJuan notes that the process allows for creativity. His role involves guiding the team through the naming journey while ensuring that the final choice aligns with the broader objectives and values of the WNBA and the new Toronto team.

Crafting an identity

Dr. Ana Rita Morais, a pivotal member of the creative group naming the WNBA Toronto team, further expands on these ideas by highlighting how the name forms the foundation of the team’s entire identity.

Dr. Morais talks about the painstaking process of vetting each submission, considering everything from historical context to global appeal. Her team’s goal has been to find a name that encapsulates the spirit of WNBA Toronto while also being inclusive and representative of the diverse community it will serve.

Here are some of the other insights from her interview:

  • Cultural and Regional Relevance: Dr. Morais discusses the importance of choosing a name that resonates with the local community. The name should reflect Toronto’s unique identity while also being inclusive of the broader Canadian and global audience. This includes considering local landmarks, historical context, and cultural significance.
  • Inclusivity and Sensitivity: A significant part of the process involves ensuring the name is inclusive and free from negative connotations. Dr. Morais and her team were focused on maintaining gender neutrality and ensuring that the name speaks to a broad audience, reflecting the diversity of the WNBA’s fan base.
  • Fan Engagement and Global Appeal: Beyond the local impact, Dr. Morais stresses the need for a name that can resonate globally. With women’s basketball gaining momentum worldwide, the name should have the potential to engage fans beyond Toronto and Canada, reaching a broader international audience.
  • Collaborative Process: Both TaJuan and Dr. Morais highlight the collaborative nature of the naming process. It’s not just about selecting a name in a closed room; it’s about engaging with the community, gathering diverse perspectives, and ensuring that the final name reflects the collective vision and values of the team and its supporters.

Looking ahead

After this thoughtful and detailed process, a selection of names for the WNBA Toronto team are now going through the legal and trademark stages. Once that is complete, the design team will start work to bring these concepts to life — crafting a visual identity that will resonate with fans and stand the test of time.

But even then, the process is far from over and, as TaJuan and Dr. Morais say, the journey of naming the team is as much about engaging with the community as it is about creating a brand. It’s about making sure that, when the team name is finally unveiled, it carries with it the values, aspirations, and identity that make a nation proud.

For more of these in-depth insights, listen to the full episode of Bringing Home the W and subscribe as we continue to take you behind the scenes of this journey.